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Pusat Komersial BG Perdana,
31000 Batu Gajah,
Perak, Malaysia.
+6012-515 2427

Lightning Protection System With Early Streamer Emission Air Terminal (ESEAT)


Lightning Protection System With Early Streamer Emission Air Terminal (ESEAT)
The OPR is equipped with an electronic device which is high pulse voltage of known and controlled frequency and amplitude enabling the early formation of the upward leader which is then continuously propagated towards the downward leader. This anticipation in the upward leader formation is essential with regard to the last scientific knowledge on the lightning attachment that acknowledge the fact that this one results from an upward leader competition.

Today the upward leader competition is internationally recognized thanks to high speed cameras pictures of this phenomenon of attachment and to its digital simulation.

The OPR draws its energy from the ambient electrical field during the storm. After capturing the lightning stroke, the OPR directs it towards the down conductors to the ground where it is dissipated.

Standard of Compliance: French Standard NF C 17-102.

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